Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving at our House

This year we did MOSTLY traditional Thanksgiving.

Well, you have to know more about my family.  Our traditional Christmas Eve is Enchiladas!  Green, Cheese, Pork, Chicken with homemade salsa, pico, Lots of chips, guacamole  and the famous Papa salad of iceberg lettuce and finely chopped tomatoes.

This year I am going to get some tamales from my friend Martina--if she makes any during this busy time of year.

But, at our house, the accent is on having fun. Being together and laughing. It is so much fun to reach around the table and get a spoonful of this or some of that or ask someone to put a dab onto my plate.

This year we used paper plates. I swore I would NEVER use paper plates for a holiday meal, but I only use them for holidays and I didn't get them out and wash them before hand. So paper it was. On the left is Holly, next to her is Andrew, then Dave, Tyler and Keith. Dave and his son Tyler are really having a discussion.

It wasn't long before all the food was being passed or put onto someones plate.

A REAL happy time.

I wish for ALL families to be like that, but I know they are not. It almost makes me want to cry. They are missing out on so much.

 This is a not so good picture of Holly and Andrew, and our grandDOG Charlie. He is so cute and into everything--much like Sarah
And this is a better picture of Charlie. I can see the mischief in his eyes---even though he is trying really hard to make me think he is just a sweetie pie!!
Charlie and Sarah thought it would be a good thing to fight all afternoon and into the early evening, and all the time they were together. Charlie went to sleep before they got to the big road a quarter mile from our house. Sarah made it a little longer, but when she went to sleep she did not move and we had to carry her to bed.

She did NOT move all night long. AND we had to carry her into her living room bed this morning.

I don't believe that they played so long that neither one of them was worth a plug nickle this morning, but that's the truth.

Sarah is NOT happy about Charlie being in her house.!!!

Baby Girl, she's gotten used to -- now, NOW we have someone else to put into line.

And she did FINALLY!!! But Charlie was fighting right down to the end.

Charlie and Papa talking about Sarah. I think I heard something about keeping her in line. I don't know if Charlie meant he did it or for Papa to keep Sarah in line. It doesn't matter---Sarah WILL do it HER way!!!

This is the big Cribbage game. Somewhere I had picked up this Cribbage game. Dave keeps telling me that it only goes to 91 points where as all the others go to 121. 

This is what they did when they decided to quit for the day.

They took PICTURED on their PHONES of where the doohickey's were so they could start from the same spot. It seems as if the points were 57, 58 and 59!!! Not bad for those young boys going against the master cribbage player!!! And in the second game at that!!
As you can see THIS is Tyler. Our youngest Grandson. He is now old enough to grow a mustache!!! I cannot believe it. And he has no grandDOG for us. He has grandCATS!!

Please don't tell Sarah!!!

That would be a disaster!!

Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas Season to all of you, More later, Linda

1 comment:

  1. We did have a great time. I love to hear those boys laugh. I am so glad we are not stuck to THE day to have a holiday celebration.
