Thursday, December 23, 2021

Still in the Middle of things

 There I was by myself and those four boys had just told me ---- this is OUR fort, go home.

I stood there thinking I had as much right to be there as they did to be there. I decided I was going to stay. Then I became the target. Pieces of concrete flew by my head. Some of them hit the front of me. I got scared and ran home crying. Phil heard me crying and that's when we went back. Phil put a real hurt on those guys. Dad had taught Phil how to box so I'm sure did more that just talk to them. There we were -- Phil, four boys and me -- and then the MEN showed up. After Phil talked to the men we had to go home. I never saw those boys again. I must say that was a good thing.

Phil to the rescue.

The next day, mom was cleaning out the fish pond. As I have said before -- I was a nosey little person. The ways of the fish and how the water ran through and around the pond, how it got up to the waterfall -- it fascinated me. I figured the best way to find out was to get into the water and follow the flow of the water and the fish. Made sense to me. WRONG!

In I went. I got about half way around before something started nibbling me. The closer I got to the other side of the waterfall the more it stung. I heard mom call my name. I could tell from the tone of her voice that I was not supposed to be in the fish pond. Oh man, I'd done it again.

My curiosity had gotten me in trouble again. I found that you don't walk in water that is close to electricity. If the wire get frayed even a little it can shock you. It fascinated me that the fish weren't nibbling me it was the electricity. I also learned that the electricity was needed to make the water go back up the waterfall, so that it could come down again. The things you can learn when you ask a questions--or ramble around until you fine out something new.

Well, I never did that again; nor was I allowed to help finish cleaning that waterfall.

Some more houses. No one to talk to.

It was --just me. I was having to learn to depend on myself.

More Tomorrow


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Dad the Flipper

Today Jerry would have been eighty-one, It has been a day of reflection of what I know of his life before and after we met. As far as I have found out he was always in the middle of all the fun. When the guys put the Volkswagen's of the science teacher in the top of the tree in the middle of the grounds at the high school. The time He and his brother went screaming into the house telling their mom there was a snake in a burlap sack.  When we were kids all the school rooms had the ABC's pasted on to the wall so the kids could learn the alphabet.  Jerry learned it backward.  Yes he learned it ZXY.  He even sent a letter to our friends while he was in Nigeria--it was all in backwards and on bathroom paper. Barbara still has that paper.

Chapter One

I've about decided that my dad was a house flipper. I remember lots lf houses over lots of years. The house I remember best is the one in Los Angeles in the area that was Culver City at that time but now it is Universal City. Down the street from our house was a lot. At that time a lot was just open land waiting for a house to be built. This lot had LOTS of weeds and LOTS of concrete walkways. Something new and exciting. Something for a lonely young girl to keep her imagination going. The stories I would make up about why the concrete walkways were there. Millions of reasons. Why would someone put this amazing  puzzle so close to out house? It was a wonderful place for me to be. Did I even think that this was someone else's? No of  course not. It never even occurred to me that I could get into trouble, until the day the man came into sight. Someone began hollering: I began to get scared. He walked to where I was and told me that those walkways were for foundations for new homes. I was not supposed to be there as I could get hurt---I had to go home---but I didn't have to like it.

Those twists and turns were a lot like a maze. Twist here and then they go a little way--twist again and go the other way. Dead ends. Weeds. Trash. Those concrete  walkways had grabbed hold of my imagination and would not let me go.

After a week or two, of course--- back I went. The concrete walkways were calling my name. 

That day I went back, there were four boys picking up pieces of concrete and throwing them at each other.  I was watching them just like I watched Phil and his friends. Little did I know or suspect what was coming. One of them saw me and said," what are you doing in our fort? Go home, now ?"

More Tomorrow


Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Foggy Today

 Today we had 100% fog when I got up. I for one don't like fog and here is why. One morning as I was going out the door to take the kids to school and me to a different school to work, I count not see to the street because the fog was so thick. Well I had to go because the schools were calling my name. Backing out of the driveway I realized that I had gone too far and wound up in the ditch--thankfully the ditch was not very deep or full of water--but there was a post holding up the fence and guess who bumped the post.  You got it--I did. A small scratch and my name was mud!. But we got to our schools right on time.

More about Jerry and me. 

Probably the schools you went to numbered, five. I went to twenty-six schools, and found something to like about al of them. I don't remember them all these days, I just remember that number. I do remember at one move the new class was seventh grade and not Junior High. Talk about a situation. It made me feel like I had done something wrong and had to go to baby school again. That was because the one I had left was in an Oklahoma Junior High school. We had to change classrooms to get to the next lessons. This new school, we stayed in the same room all day. Baby stuff. But the teacher was so good. Mrs. Waller was her name and she made us feel and think like adults. It was a good year. I don't remember many names of teacher or school and that's understandable because there was a boatload of schools and teachers. 

I married at eighteen and had our first child at nineteen and my second at twenty-one. This same person became a woman who lived lived in two different countries on tow different continents for a total of twelve years, six years in England and the same in Tunisia North Africa which gave me a wide spectrum of things to do and a realization that people are just people and all of us have our own different culture.

How did all this become me? How does it combine itself into the confident person who takes care of Jerry during his good days and his bad? It's been an awesome seventy-five years.

This book was started July 10, 2017, it was only a month later that e passed from this world into the light.

Now we begin with how it happened.  

Stay Calm-Have Courage



Monday, December 13, 2021

Why I've Been off the Blog so long

I don't even remember what was the last time I got on the computer to talk to you all. I am sorry about that, but a lot has been going on at my house. 

First thing is that I wrote a book about my husband and Alzheimer's, and there was a lot to cry through and a lot more to just think about. As I wrote a chapter I realized that all the time I wrote I began to understand all the things I went through as a child, as a new mom and an ex-pat in England and also North Africa, God was preparing me to be able to care for Jerry until the last twenty one days he was at home. The kids and I were really thankful for how things went--even though we cried a lot and prayed a lot and finally accepted that he really had Alzheimer's.

Its been four years, and some times I get teary eyed but that's because I still sometimes think I could have done more, cooked different food, gotten into the shower with him so I could wash his hair. But I can't change anything, I can just remember our lives from the age of fifteen to age seventy six. 

There is time for me to say a little of what I wrote and if you have questions or just need to talk leave a note. 

Jerry, Alzheimer's and Me

Because of this adventure Jerry and I are on, I have found out that what I learned and went through as a child made into who I am now. As a child I was bold, but only around my family. To tell anyone but family that I needed something or want anything, was a non-happening. Forget it. I was the little girl who was always in her own as I was always the new kid on the block. The little girl who was shy, too shy to do anything but find some clay and make a tea pot, plates, cups and saucers so I could have a party with Sally my doll. I was the little girl ho would tell stories during recess because the other kids liked to hear them, it made them happy. They never acted like they knew that most it was just made up. I was the same little girl who when screaming down the street because her mom had passed and she didn't even know mom was that sick.     

More Tomorrow


Friday, May 21, 2021

Jerry-Alzheimer and me

It hurts to see your loved one get to the place that they don't know any one by name.

Jerry, and I'm sure, would answer any question and would seem to know exactly why and what was being talked about. I could see that he had no clue as to the things that were being talked about. It was so crushing to me to see him like that. His smile never left his face until that last three weeks he lived. 

In 2003, we were going thru the traffic from Fort Worth to Dallas so we could go see his mom. We got half way to the turn off on I45 south and he said, to himself, “ I don’t know where we are. Are we gonna make it to Moms?” My reply was “we’ve been down this road for 15 years, and chuckled! His reply, loud and mean sounding. At first it scared me but then I said,” we’re going the right way you’ll find I45.” And he calmed and that was the last of it. For a while.