Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sleepin' In

It's gonna be HOT today. Know how I can tell?  It's 7.22 and its already 73 degrees !!;

 Last night Sarah had to have a drink of water. So I got up with her. It was 11.25 pm.

She got her drink and headed for the bedroom. Around the end of the bed and right to her bed --on the floor--right beside Jerry! 

She slept all night, well until 5.30 when I got up. Then she went outside to do her business, have something to eat, and back to bed to sleep with her daddy!! He got up at 6.30 -- she got up at 7.28!!!!

Sarah is one of those unpredictable creatures. You NEVER know what she's gonna do -- or not do!

Can you see her? She's over there snuggled up against my pillow. I really feel kinda sorry for her. She is so torn between the two of us. Right now  -- in that bed -- she is in her spot. Her daddy's scent and mine are all around her. Heaven!!
Eyes almost closed -- but not quite. Like she's telling us to leave her alone she needs just a little more time.
Look at that face. Sooo relaxed! So content. I wish I could be more like that.

I think I'll just go away for a little while.

Ten minutes later she came running into the living room, came to a sitting halt and yipped for some breakfast.

And she got her breakfast. And then went outside again.

She is too cute!!

More later, Linda

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