Monday, August 19, 2019

NanaBanana is no more

Our Lynn got tickets for all of us---Andrew and Brittany and of course Lochlan, her and Keith and me. We went up to OKC and went to the Art Museum.

Degas, Money, Van Gogh and lots of others. Gosh what a day!Paintings that I have only seen in books and mostly in black and white.
were displayed in all their color. The way Van Gogh uses the color to keep your eyes moving around the canvas.

I am so excited about the paintings that are running around in head. Sometimes I cant think of names or words,

 Chihuly fantastic glass things. Glass Persians all over the ceiling as we went down the hallway to the other beautiful things. Beautiful birds made with glass.Two boats full with colors in glass and lite with light. It was like a silent mound of fireworks.

The next floor we saw the exhibit of modern art. I got some really good ideas for future paintings. Can't tell you until I get around to it.

We went to either a late lunch or an early supper at this place that smelled so good! Lots of yummyness!!  PIZZA! Don't get a large one because it will take you a good week to eat it all-but I think it would be worth for  a good breakfast. 

Then on to the DO-NUT place. The chocolate was really chocolate and the frosting was so chocolatey.  Also yummyness!!

Back to Duncan, with lots of memories. Lachlan had never really been around me, but he climbed into my lap and talked to me. In a little while Britteney tild him I was NanaBanana. He preferred NanaG--so that's what he will call me from now on.

We ran into some - really it was lots of traffic - when e left the museum. The play - Hamilton - had it's last performance yesterday afternoon and I think there much not have been an unused seat. I have heard it was excellent. If you get a chance you should go.

So that was my week end and now begins another week.

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