Saturday, August 31, 2019

Flowers--Jerry brought me flowers.

I love flowers. I even like the silk ones. We met in the fall of 1956, and by that spring we were inseparable.  His afternoon class was Agriculture and sports. I had seen those beautiful roses flowing over the walls of the rock wall. Beautiful light Yellow, Pink and then the red one too.

One day he met me at the door going out of the school and gave me this damp paper towel. He had picked that rose - taken the thorns off and wrapped the flower in that wet paper napkin so it would last longer. AND he gave me that rose in front of everyone.

He really did love me.

From the book---

After we met, we were never apart, meeting for lunch and walking back to the school where we would find a place next to my next class. He always had AG classes in the afternoon and he would wait til the last minute and then run fast to get to his class. I think he probably was late most of those days.
That first spring when the flowers bloomed I was amazed. There were roses all along the street outside of the high school. The AG barn was across the street from the main school building and even though it didn’t look like a barn, that’s what it was called. Surrounding the barn were various homes, homes that had roses. Some of which had grown enough to fall over the fences. And every Spring, every school day, he would bring me a rose. The thorns were taken off and he cuddled them up in wet paper towels, so they would stay as fresh as possible. When we moved to England he brought me flowers almost every time he went into Yarmouth. I’m sitting in front of my computer and I smell the flowers he brought me so often.
The year before he died was the last Spring he remembered the roses.
What came to my mind as I wrote that?
Even though he was having trouble talking, he knew that I loved flowers, so he brought me some. Some were Iris. Some were roses. Some were those little purple flowers, weeds actually. But all were given to me in love. I was overwhelmed when he brought that first hand full of roses that last time.  What a soul filling thing to do. He was getting worse every week and he saw those roses. He even took the thorns off like he always did. He loved me and showed that. Very simple but so heart felt. 

More Tomorrow

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