Sunday, July 21, 2019

NanaBanana News--Exercise

Last week I started working out with the trainer at the gym. She is very good about asking questions that tells her what I needed to start with. Five minutes on the treadmill, 15 pushes on the other things for the quads and the cardio and the chest and the butt. Oh, my, so much to remember The days were Monday and Tuesday and Then Thursday. Friday it was good. Saturday, I had to get the cane out again and today also.

Trainer at the gym will have to take the time for me to tell her what's been going on with my lower back. I have a feeling that she knows EXACTLY what is needed. Of course, I probably will find it hurts for a little while and before those 15 reps are over it will feel a whole lot better.

I've been looking at the outfits that the girls wear to work out. I mean, ummm, I can't wear thinks like that. Not that I have seen anything revealing (that's not allowed in this gym), but it's all at knee height and well fitting t-shirts. 

Have you ever seen an old ladies legs? I don't have cellulite or scars, but I do have spider veins all up and down my legs. I mean really--who wants to show off legs that look like I got a lot of bad tattoos. I think this is a family trait because my dad's sister and her daughter had the same thing. So, I wear capris and baggy t-shirts and come home and put something else on.

Since I don't sweat much, I don't need to take a shower and wash my hair. If I need to stop at the bank or run into the grocery store for something to cook I can do that.

To sum this all up----
I need to workout or treadmill it every day but Sunday and maybe even then as they are open til 7 then---I need to drink lots of water and eat well and I will live to be a much older old lady


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