So, here it is a few years later and Ken and May took the Amtrak around the long way and made it to Ardmore OK. Lynn and Dave picked them up and they stayed Thursday night, Friday night and Saturday night.
We had a ball. Food went through this house like it was a restaurant. We went to Lynn and Keith's house on Friday morning and fixed some breakfast for Ken and May and then we showed them the town. It took all day even though we are a fairly small place.
Friday night we had supper with the six of us. Saturday morning I made my pancakes and they were devoured before I had time to take the pan off the heat.
We followed Keith and Lynn on their bike and Dave and Lynn on his bike and stopped for food at Annie's Kitchen. Known for it's Humming Bird Cake. I have never found ANY Humming Bird cake at Annie's. Makes me wonder if its just something that they have oi the menu, but don't have in the shop.
Dinner was barbecued ribs and hamburgers and chicken. AND everything else.
We sat at that table for about 4 hours. Telling stories about families and countries and just everything. Dave was on one side of the table and Ken was on the other.
They even SOUND alike.
They even POINT with their fingers the same way.
They even LAUGH alike.
They could be twins!
We had a good time and I know that Ken did.
And May was glowing because Ken had finally come home.
More Later, Linda
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