There was Tornadoes in Baltimore TODAY. My cousin, Kenneth, sent me texts while it was going through. He and his wife May were just down here in March. We had so much fun. And when I tell you about finding him you will be amazed.
I decided that since Face Book was to keep us involved with friends and family, well, if it was't it sure has turned out to be that a lot of us, I began to think of family. I found all my brothers, and friend ed them.I found friends from high school and friend ed them. Then my uncle came to mind. I started looking for Kenneth. Found 25 of them. I scrolled and scrolled and about 15 had no pictures. Sixteen had a picture, 17 to 20 had a picture.
Back to 15. That guy looks a lot like our Dave. So, I messaged him with this," If you dad was named Bill and you mom is Ellie, than HELLO cuz!!""
Got a message back, " Hello CUZ!!" and there in began this wonderful time of learning about family. As I said, he and his wife and kids live in Baltimore. Our granddaughter lives in Arlington Virginia. So about 3 years ago when our Lynn was there visiting her daughter, she called Kenneth and he stopped by and had dinner with the girls. When I went out with Lynn, we went to their home and spent about 5 hours going over family things and healing a lot of hurts.
Speed on to the last March and see how the family ties have strengthened. Dave came over to meet Ken, his kids came down to visit with their cousin. We had a blast.!!
Family is good very, very good!!
More later, Linda
I decided that since Face Book was to keep us involved with friends and family, well, if it was't it sure has turned out to be that a lot of us, I began to think of family. I found all my brothers, and friend ed them.I found friends from high school and friend ed them. Then my uncle came to mind. I started looking for Kenneth. Found 25 of them. I scrolled and scrolled and about 15 had no pictures. Sixteen had a picture, 17 to 20 had a picture.
Back to 15. That guy looks a lot like our Dave. So, I messaged him with this," If you dad was named Bill and you mom is Ellie, than HELLO cuz!!""
Got a message back, " Hello CUZ!!" and there in began this wonderful time of learning about family. As I said, he and his wife and kids live in Baltimore. Our granddaughter lives in Arlington Virginia. So about 3 years ago when our Lynn was there visiting her daughter, she called Kenneth and he stopped by and had dinner with the girls. When I went out with Lynn, we went to their home and spent about 5 hours going over family things and healing a lot of hurts.
Speed on to the last March and see how the family ties have strengthened. Dave came over to meet Ken, his kids came down to visit with their cousin. We had a blast.!!
Family is good very, very good!!
More later, Linda
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