Wednesday, June 19, 2013

New idea!!

Jerry had a sleep study the other day and Lynn and I spent the night with Andrew and Holly because their house is about 15 minutes from the Sleep Solutions place.

Andrew is a chef who had NEVER cooked for his mom. Well he cooked.

Man did he COOK.!!!

Gnocchi in a cream sauce with garlic and something else and it was wonderful!

Then he did steak with pasta.  Made a glaze with Balsamic and it made the steak scrumptious.

And then we had a surprise. I was going to say drink--but it's not alcoholic. It's this infusion of cucumber, and I can't remember what else, and  water. So refreshing.

So , I didn't have any cucumbers. Guess what I use??

Apples and some -- just a titchy bit -- OREGANO!!

When I got up the next morning I had some and it was better because the apples had given up all their apple taste to the water and so the oregano didn't overpower the taste.

Yesterday I got a magazine and it talked about infusing tastes. One I want to try is the watermelon, lime, mint and basil.


More Later, Linda

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