Sunday, August 11, 2019

NanaBanana--and the termites or whatever that is

Among a lot of other things I paint. When Jerry passed I asked the kids to help me clean out what was supposed to be the winter garden, and never really was, so I could have a studio and not have to paint in the house again.

The studio is connected to the original building that is now a place for small equipment and Christmas lights. And the termites too. There is an awful thing coming to their house--that's the termites I  I mean--their garden will soon be a thing of the past.

The temp has been over 100 every day for i think two weeks. I have not painted because of the heat. Heat and I don't mesh. I've decided that this is my way to spend the summer--in the house and then in the winter I can go out and play in the little bit of snow that southern Oklahoma gets.

Back to the studio---
When we bought the place this room that is falling down was a home for pigeons. We didn't have any but there were lots of nests and feathers that showed the pigeons had in fact lived there for a while.

When we got our first Harley we needed a place for the Harley to stay while Jerry was gone overseas. He opened the door that opened to the driveway. Two wide doors and the bike went right on into the room and stayed out of the house and rain. I had a small 250 Suzuki and it went in there too.
When we moved to Texas for that little while, I took my bike and his and we would take short trips. There is nothing like being on a motorcycle.

Back to the Studio!!

I'm thinking about putting that clear stuff that is put on windows to help keep the heat out. I want to paint. I have so many things I want to do.  Butterflies--those pictures of children--my Sarah--my great grand-kids. My cousins and nieces.

I've got a lot to do!!!

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