Saturday, September 14, 2019


Things go kinda crazy sometimes. I thought that I would be able to find an agent real quick. It seems that everyone has gone to self publishing. I don't have time for that.

If any of you know of a good agent please let me know.

The things that I have been posting are all from the book I wrote after Jerry passed. We had some good times and then we had some funny ones.

This one was so funny......

     Having grown up in a family that tried all kinds of vegetables and cuisine; I liked broccoli and garlic, and cilantro and celery. I cooked chicken smothered with onions and garlic and cinnamon. I baked the big bass that he caught on a fishing trip and had stuffed it with onions and apples. I thought it was wonderful. He didn’t.
      He liked southern food. And I have learned, over the years, how to cook what he likes and in return he has learned how to enjoy food from different countries.
    The first skirmish happened over the Red beans he wanted. After going all around the store looking for red beans, I finally found them. In the section where they were there were white beans, lima beans (they are green), I found the split peas, and I found the RED beans. And I found the pinto beans that are brown. I took the RED beans home and read the package directions. It said to put them in water over night and then it read how to cook them the next day. The beans went into a pot and then into the fridge for probably 12 hours or a little longer. The next morning, I read the instructions again. Poured off the water and covered the beans with fresh water; brought it all to a boil and cooked for two hours, just as the instructions said.   For TWO hours. When Jerry got home. I filled his plate with RED beans and cornbread that kept breaking into chunks. YUMMMMMMM.
     Then he took a bite; he spit them out. Those beans went all over that kitchen. “That’s not RED beans” he said—loudly.
     Back to the grocery we went so he could show me the RED beans. Well, we found the RED beans. I know they were RED beans because the package said they were RED beans. RED kidney beans. The ONLY package that had RED written anywhere on the package. He looked through all those packages and finally found what he was looking for. “THIS is RED beans,” he said. I said,” The package says PINTO beans.” My family did not eat peas, beans, corn on the cob, nothing like that. My dad’s family used all that as fodder for the animals on their farms. I don’t know about my moms’ family and beans and corn. I do know she never cooked any beans at our house.  Well, she did cook green beans. Over the years and after all the different countries he was in Jerry learned how to eat and like lots of different vegetables. He even ate Brussels sprouts if they were fresh from the market.
     I tried the way I got kids to eat different things with Jerry. I’d cook the Brussels sprouts with no salt so they were less harsh and sweeter cooked that way. Then on would go some butter and salt. He ate a lot of veggies and never asked what they were.
     First lesson learned by both of us. Don’t assume that your spouse knows what you are talking about. Ask questions. LOTS of questions.

More Later

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