Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Jerry retired in 2008. That's been 6 years. I used to have some me time. Retirement changed that. Now , it's back to the way it was before. He does and I put up with it. 

Years ago I spoiled him. I never made plans because I just did what he wanted. 

When he bought a Harley did I complain?? NOT!!

Did I go on that 2500 mile trip the first time we got on he bike?  YES!!

Did I enjoy it?  YES!!

But I learned how toake things work. When it comes time and I need my space I tell him I'm going byyself. And I mean it. 
He knows I mean it and I have a good time. 

I cook what I want to and we go out if I really don't want to cook. No squaling from either of us. 

It works good for us. 

He does what he wants to and I get time to do what I want. 

What took me so long to think of the solution that was becoming a problem for me. 

More later, Linda. 

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