Saturday, September 8, 2012

It's a Beautiful Day

Today is beautiful. The sun is shining. The air is cool and-------

Jerry's getting a haircut.

His hair curls into his ears. I don't mean just kinda goes over the ears. It seems to take up refuge inside his ears.

And this happens overnight!!!

Last week --- nada.

This week. Lots if hair in the ear. Enough that it looked like he had had hair transplants into his ears!!!

It sounds gross, but it feels like something is crawling in his ears.

You know the feeling and don't say you don't.

Once I looked in his ears and by the time I got all the hair plucked from his ears the piles oh hairs looked like a squirrels nest.

Of course with a tweezers sometimes I pulled skin along with the hair


Hurt !!! HURT !!!!

So today is a beautiful day.

He just got back from the barber.  No more hair in his ears. YEAH!!!

This is Charlie -- our GrandDog. Lynn's Son and his girlfriend are the parents of Charlie. Isn't he cute and he's smiling for the camera.

Dave hasn't had time to brush his hair yet. In fact he just got up and helped me get a picture of Sarah.
And this of course, is Sarah.  She looks really awful with her hair like that. I am gonna brush her , AGAIN, and get the tangles out and then make her look georgeous.!!!
More Later, Linda