Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Busy, busy, BUSY

Once time, a long long time ago. In a far off country, where the pixies and the fairies play my wonderful husband told me that grown ups lied to him.

We were getting a barbecue ready for 50 people and were really working.Thank goodness we had a couple of the commuters who just did what had to be done and didn't even ask.

I was in the kitchen getting the relish plate ready and Jim came in and asked if he could help. I immediately handed him the knife and said fix the cheese into sticks, chop up the celery and the carrots and add some olives add the deviled eggs and some tomato and onion. I turned around and he was laying out the cheese in a perfect semi-circle. He told me his family owned a deli and it was his job to prepare the relish plates every weekend.

Phil and Jerry were getting the chicken halves ready and the fire just right. So I had my list.

Now I am NOT a list person, but when I have that many people coming to our house to eat this is what I do.

Day one, I make a menu and look to see what I already have in the house.

Day two I decide what needs to be prepared in advance and what has to wait til the day of. Then I get busy.

Day three I make a list of dishes to be put on the table and then I get busy.

That's if I have that much time. If I don't, I just wing it. Except I make the list of dishes so everything gets on the table and something is not left in the refrigerator.

Back to the barbecue. It went well, everyone ate until they were full and even ate most of the desserts and drank all the coffee.

They went home stuffed to the gills. And I was happy.

Back again to the comment Jerry made.

He told me---Remember when THEY said that when you get old life slows down. A long, long pause and then he said


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