We drove. Jerry was having trouble with his shoulder. It was a cool day and wonderful for riding. So we took the next best form of transportation. Riding is a way of life. To feel that wind in your face. To hear the hum of the tires on the pavement. Not to hear phones. TV. Refrigerators humming.
It's you and the road and the one you are with.
These two kids are truck drivers. She drives at night
and he drives in the day. I know they like biking.
Much quieter.
This group of bikers are members of the CMA. Now that does not mean Country MUSIC Association. Or Citified Monkey Association. Or anything else. It means Christian Motorcyclists Association. We are a group, worldwide group, of riders who are clean and straight. No booze, no drugs just lots of fun.
And then we have HELMET HAIR!! I know that we just keep going on. Cos everyone of us has helmet hair so who cares.
Well that was our day. We finished off with a giant breakfast and plans for the next weekend.
More later, Linda
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