Friday, December 20, 2019

Day Two after the Impeachment

Today is an eye opener for some of us. Even thought I expected that Polosi-it's as hard to spell her name as it is to figure out what lie she is going to tell next.

Anyway, on to the rest of the story. I really thought that she would turn over the papers this morning. I was soooooo wrong. She has decided to keep them until she knows what is exactly going to happen with those papers.

I think shes keeping them so she can play "being the person who started the USCMA." That wonderful agreement that Trump penned last year and she made sure that they were not put forth until He was not in a position to tell anything about them.

See, this is what I have figured out----Polosi is a bully in the passive-aggressive genre. She doesn't want people to figure out how thoroughly she has her hands on all things that come across her desk, and really doesn't let go. If I had been that sneaky with  thinks like that with my husband he would have divorced me.

And I think WE THE PEOPLE need to divorce her next time she election comes up. We need someone who loves this USA. In this order---God--her job, meaning the best for this country--and then her family and the rest of that world.

I for one, am tired of these Dummiesare the PEOPLE  in DC thinking that everyone one else is stupid. I am not stupid. I started collage at 58 and a community collage. I finished four years later with an 3.85 GPA. That is not a stupid person. Millions of "the rest of us" are not stupid either.

Lets let DC know that we are tired of being castoffs like they think we are.

WE  THE PEOPLE --I  like that.

More Tomorrow. 

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Impeachment

I've been like a lot of people, watched all that garbage on TV and didn't google anything.

That is until today., Today I got mad. The people in DC are wasting OUR money to keep on with things as they want them to be. No thoughts for the people who send in all that tax we pay for their salary which they don't work for. They just bitch at each other. Or rather, about each group of people.

The law says that the papers about the impeachment HAS to be turned over to the senators. Ms. Pilosi thinks she can keep as long as she sees fit. So, if its a law,  and she says she wants to go by the laws of this country, why doesn't she hand them over. What is she worried about.?

Just before I started this today I wanted to find out something more about the Biden son who worked for a company in Ukraine and another in Hong Kong. The pages were not filling out with words , just pictures. That makes me think that someone has decided to fiddle with the internet pieces about Biden. That makes me wonder what the family is trying to hide.

Bidens kids went to work in Ukraine while Obama was in office. I know that the law says that the president has to give up all of his businesses, Jimmy Carter had to give up his businesses. And he did, until he got out of office, as did his children.

If it is the law that the whole family has to give up, why did Bidens son stay on the payrole?

Trumps family quite working in the family payrole. Maybe that's it, Biden didn't own the place in  Ukraine so his son could work.

I don't know it just seems not right to me.

There is so much untruth going around this country, how do we know what's right or not.

So here we are with all these-fib-Ukraine-this person and that person secretly behind the peoples backs-and we still don't know what's going on. We don't know because they - meaning the media and others - find it's easier to tell untruth than is is to just tell the truth.

There will be more here.

I for one want to know about the impeachment papers and the constitution. Who gets them, who hands them over to whom, and how long can they be in the first persons hands.

Lots to ask questions about.

More Tomorrow.