Thursday, October 15, 2015

Tax DayπŸ˜’πŸ˜’

I didn't have time or energy to go to the CPA to get tax done so I usedTurbo Tax.  
Took me 2.5 hours but saved me $150 in fees. 
It's done!! It's on it's way and I am a happy camper😘😘😘😘😘

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


There are cars that have a foot activated trunk. That is way cool!!! 
Arms full of groceries. The kids the husband and the rest of the world in the way. No prob--just use the big toe to get it open. 
With this devise all you do is put your toe towards the correct spot under the back and voila!!! The door opens. 
No key mentioned. 
Well, if there is no key at all -- what keeps that thief getting your gifts or food from the back of your vehicle??
Answers please. 
More later


We went to one of the elementary schools to help with the book fair. Four classes of kindergarten students, two classes of third graders and two of fourth graders. 

It was so much fun. The kids had to make a wish list and then take the list to their parents to see what they could afford. 

I just wanted to buy all on every list. But that's not possible. Or good for the moms and dads. 

One of the things I learned as a mom was to keep the change. Like my grandma taught me. Change goes in the bottom of the purse to be used for emergencies. And I think a book fair would be a good emergency. 

More Later