Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin' on the--- grass!

Yesterday-and today-it's been wonderful weather. The air smelled fresh and clean. 


I went outside into the sunshine !! It made me have the warm fuzzies. 

I just wanted to stay out for a long time. 

Then Jerry let Sarah out. She lives sunshine. We keep the door open so she can sun. 

But today that's not all she did. Today she decided to roll -in the grass. 

The DRY winter grass. 

This is what happens when she rolls in the dry, VERY dry, winter grass!!

Later, Linda

Monday, January 26, 2015

Out!! We're finally OUT!!

We went to Corsicana on Friday to meet some of the 500 cousins that Jerry and his brother and sister have. We had an amazing time. 

The girls didn't. 

They had to go to lockup. 

So, this morning we bailed them out and now they are living it up. 

It's rest time. You know how that goes when you get bailed out of jail?  Have a good time and then lots of rest. 

More about the girls later, Linda

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Relaxed !!

This is the epitomey of confidence in your parents!!

I wish I could see all the furry people so confident and relaxed. 

Help the Humane Society where you live. 

More Later, Linda

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Sarah in the chair

Sarah is in Jerry's recliner. She's been there since 5 this morning. 

Now, she never stays in the same place for so long. We talked about it and decided she was really tired. 

Could be because Bella was here from Wednesday until Monday. Bella is our GrandDog who lives with Lynn and Keith. 

This is Bella. She got tired too. 

Jerry got tired too!!

And sometimes it was all of them at once!!

Lynn and Keith went to Disney World where Lynn ran a half marathon with Nonie and Julie. 

Left to right--Nonie, Julie, and our Lynn. They all were in Disney character costume!! Maybe next year we can go and watch. 

More later, Linda

Friday, January 2, 2015

The gardener and the animals.

At school the year we lived in the castle as Phil and I called it, our school had a gardener and he let me help him plant the new flowers.

Our mom was sick - very sick - and I just remember how soothing it was to put those plants in the ground, cover the roots with soil, press the soil around those roots and then to let the water run down into the soil and surround the roots with dirt. Such a simple thing. But a soothing one. He even gave me some to bring home. Mom got to see them when they bloomed. 

We also one day had a petting zoo come to our school. Chickens with their chicks. Like pigs and sheep. Some calves. That's all I remember. Except. I remember petting all of them. I don't think anyone else did. Jerry tested up when I told him. I had this wonderful afternoon petting animals but he lived on a farm and had those cuties around all the time. 

Kids are kinda deprived these days. No animals, no gardener, no monkey bars or dodge ball. 

I feel for them. 

Later, Linda