Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Well ummm I don't know the word

The post I did today was not clear to my friends so I need to clear up what I said. 

I know that a lot of people who have family members who have this terrible disease are not able to cope with all the things that go on. But My God has given me strength for the day, every day. Without Him I could not be able to just tell Jerry it's my turn to drive. And he accepts it with no problems. I would not be able to do all that has to be done to help him comb his hair, brush his teeth, shave and all those other things. 
God has been so good to me to give me strength I cannot tell you how the days just go by. Peaceful and better than ever. 
Thank you for your concerns. Love to you all


Yes, I know it's the 30th. And that means I'm a little slow BUT. 

It DECEMBER and I'm one year older for the last 3 daysπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
For all of us who are born 
In years now and gone
      I say to you all
      It's a very hard call
To really get into the tone

Of all the razzle and dash
That goes with presents and trash
      BUT to all with a birthday
      I just want to say 
Happy Birthday and have a Bash!!!

I figured it out

These last few months I've seen Jerry go from a normal guy to a person who can't remember how to put ice into his glass from the fridge. It's not an easy process to see someone you love go through this but that's the way life is right now. 

And that is why I've not posted much lately. I don't want to come off as depressed. Neither jerry or I are depressed. Well, maybe for a little time. Like when he was talking about his Linda to me not knowing I am that person. Sad. Crying sad. 

And then I realized that was part of the process. And my job is to help him slide into the next phase as contently as possible. 

Our journey is not over so we are going to face it head on and know Who is looking out for us. 

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Our Lynn

Our Lynn and Our Keith are so wonderful to us. Last night was Donnas Christmas party--our Lynn took the time to take me to the party. Lots of food, gifts, and girlfriend time. 

Keith stayed with Jerry. I knew they were going to put up the blow up Santa. I had forgotten just how tall it is!!

And Our Lynn and Our Keith got us an early Christmas present. One of those lights that put out colored beams. All over the house. 

Jerry just can't put up lights anymore. 

NOW we have lights!!

Thank you Lynn and Keith. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

It's almost ThanksgivingπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

PIt's that time of year again. That time of year when a family tries to decide -- before or after!!

You know-- Christmas lights up and burning before Thanksgiving or after. 

When I was a kid, back when the dinosaurs roamed the earth, we put our tree up Christmas Eve. No ornaments or lights. 

So when we got up Christmas morning the room was filled with light and happy things like gifts with ribbons and a big something for my brother and for me. 

Right now I have a 2 foot tall tree on the porch with the lights going strong. And plans for the 4 foot tree on the table again. 

Pictures on Sunday. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

Sun shiney!!!!

Sometimes when it's this time of the year I think about when we lived in Yarmouth. For those of you who don't know, Great Yarmouth is on the east coast of England and south of Norwich. The wind comes right down the North Sea and covers Yarmouth with cold, even in the summer.

But the thing that I am thinking of today is the time that we had temps in the 20's.  Cold!!!! Windy!!! Sun shining!!! The road look as if it had diamonds on it.

Even though the cars were as many as usual the frost on the roadbed stayed.

Sparklies allover!!!

The trees----the grass----and the road!!!

I love sparklies!!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Song is Right

When the play "Oklahoma" came onto the stage the songs were and still are sung by a lot of people. The one , we who live in Oklahoma can really relate to has the phrase "when the wind comes sweeping down the plain" !!!!!

Today the "wind" was sweeping BIG time!! The flag at the bank was straight out. 

I told my husband it was straight from the west. 

His reply" totally". 

I cracked up because his usual reply would be " that's not good". 

To hear totally from him would make the grandkids smile. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Tax DayπŸ˜’πŸ˜’

I didn't have time or energy to go to the CPA to get tax done so I usedTurbo Tax.  
Took me 2.5 hours but saved me $150 in fees. 
It's done!! It's on it's way and I am a happy camper😘😘😘😘😘

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


There are cars that have a foot activated trunk. That is way cool!!! 
Arms full of groceries. The kids the husband and the rest of the world in the way. No prob--just use the big toe to get it open. 
With this devise all you do is put your toe towards the correct spot under the back and voila!!! The door opens. 
No key mentioned. 
Well, if there is no key at all -- what keeps that thief getting your gifts or food from the back of your vehicle??
Answers please. 
More later


We went to one of the elementary schools to help with the book fair. Four classes of kindergarten students, two classes of third graders and two of fourth graders. 

It was so much fun. The kids had to make a wish list and then take the list to their parents to see what they could afford. 

I just wanted to buy all on every list. But that's not possible. Or good for the moms and dads. 

One of the things I learned as a mom was to keep the change. Like my grandma taught me. Change goes in the bottom of the purse to be used for emergencies. And I think a book fair would be a good emergency. 

More Later

Monday, September 28, 2015

My Sweet Lynn

Lynn and Keith went to Arkansas over the weekend. 

They had a fun filled busy 4 days. 

And she brought me a gift for taking care of Bella. 

Some would think--WHAT?????

And I said---oh my FAVORITE!!

We got these in Farmington!! Fabulous taste. Easy to cook. 

A Yummo moment!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Red Moon

We had to go look at the moon because it's 2033 when it does this again. 
When I looked at the photo right after I took it. All the stars around the moon were showing. 

Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor Day 2015

This is what we are doing. 
1. Clean out bird baths
2. Put cooking elements in dishwasher
3. Stay in for a Longmire marathon. 
4. Think about the new season of Longmire that starts Thursday on Netflix!!!!

Saturday, September 5, 2015


Today Our Lynn and Keith went to Texas to look at the new Harley's. This is the new Triked Harley!! Can't you just see that with pink and orange flame?!!!!

Friday, September 4, 2015

What can I do?

Coffee cubes in Baileys and Vodka. I don't drink that so what can I do to use all those coffee cubes?

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The NAKED ladies are back!!!

Yesterday there was one!!
Today there are three!!! 

And this is the day---August 18!!!! 

 That means a LOT of ice and snow in January and February.  

Cei la vie!!

Friday, August 7, 2015


I saw this on Facebook. I kinda know what it says but can't get it all so------HELP!!!!!

Monday, July 27, 2015




Fire works!!!
First day opening !!!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Going to Seminar!!

Suit case


Red Jacket!!

Almost ready!!


Not leaving til Sunday!!
That's umm 

I might have time to get it all in!!!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Sarah takes care of Jerry

Sarah has that thing that furry people have. 
They stay close to those who are hurting. It's so cute and heartwarming to see Sarah like this. She does a really good job. 
Like this---

Or this

She is always there to calm and make him happy!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Daddy's lap is a very, very good lap

Sarah and her daddy!!
She sleeps a really long time on his lap. She sleeps a really long time on the floor. 
And she sleeps cuddled in the covers on the bed. Right next to me. It relaxes me to be able run my hand down her curled up warm body. I do a lot of praying that way. 

But Daddy's lap is best of all!!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Onions and Sweet potatoes

We don't have a garden anymore. After three years of no veggies because of the heat we quit. Between the heat and no rain and the deer, gardens became a thing of the past. We let it cover over with grass.

This year I bought some onions and planted in pots. Lots of green on the front porch. Well, I had a sweet potato that was sprouting in the kitchen counter and now this is what we have on the porch

Friday, July 3, 2015


My cousin came to see us. ALL the way from Maryland!! Sometimes I'm just speechless. Believe that? Well when Kenneth texted me about wanting to come-I was speechless. 

I remember when Facebook first got on the Internet. It was back in 2004. 

Internet had been around for 10 years or so. We were in Farmington New Mexico. I was in my last year of college, Jerry was working at the very least 100 hours a week. So when I found Facebook I went looking for friends on Facebook. 


That's who I'll look for. 

I had been in touch with Kenneth Kretsinger before but lost touch when we moved to Farmington. 

I'll try to find Kenneth I said to myself. And I did. 25 of them. WITH the name Kenneth Kretsinger!!!!

I started scrolling down. Not many photos. Yuck!! Kept on scrolling. 

Past a photo. 

Scrolled back. 

This one looked a lot like Our Dave. 
This is Our Dave

This is Kenneth. 

The one in the black shirt is Cousin Kenneth. Both look a lot like my dad. 

Well, Kenneth is back in Maryland getting ready to go to the beach for a week with May and kids. 

We had a good time. 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Grandkids and kitchen

Our family likes to cook. Really likes to cook. All the grandkids could be chefs. Our Dave and Our Lynn could also. And this is the size kitchen we have.

That's it!!
So don't tell me you can't cook because your counter is too small!!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Before and After

Before. Hair in her eyes. Between her toes. Pony tail way too long. 

And After

Summer trim. Cute hair bow-which she still has in. Short nails. No hair between her toes. And she smells good. 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

They're BAAAACK!!!!!!

All last summer they were here. Walking around the back yard. Eating WHATEVER they could find. 

They also scared all the neighbors away!!!

That was NOT good. 

But they are back!!!

Here's Heckle and Jeckel. They ALWAYS stay close just like they can't stand to be apart even for just a little while. 

And then there there is Jack.
 He's like a Heckle and Jeckle groupie. He's close but not TOO close. 

The last one is poor, poor Corey!  He's the one that disassociates himself from the other three. He never even looks their way. 
His place is the car port---ALWAYS!!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Iced Coffee

In my family before mom passed we had a lot of fun. And sometimes I was a little MOUTHY!!

Actually, I was a LOT mouthy. I guess I still am but now I'm assertive not mouthy. 

And all through those 9 years mom put up with me. I don't remember her ever getting mad when I was mouthy. 

I do remember that she was a voracious reader. She always had a book in her hand. Or two or three others she was reading. 

I'd go up to where she was reading, she would pull me close, put her arm around me, pat my back and read until she got to a stopping point. Then she would put a book mark in her book, look at me and answer my questions or put a bandaid on my owie. We both gained a lot from those times. 

I hope I did the same for my kids. Love you two to the moon and back. 

So, one time I ran outside or came up from a friends house and mom had a glass with coffee, ice and milk in it. 

My observation was, "ooo, that's not goooood!! ".

And mom said," when you get older you will LOVE this. And she was right!!"

I love it in the summer. Thanks mom!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Grandad Jack and Grandad

Jerry's dad looked like John Wayne they even walked alike. He was called Grandad by all the kids. 
He was on the debate team that won 1st in state. I don't know the year. And he could recite the whole  speech the begins with "In aprille". In OLD English!! Very smart man!! I really loved him. 

But this is what my dad looked like

He was a sports caster on radio for years and then went to TV when we moved back to Dallas after mom died. My dad didn't debate or anything like that, but it did take him 5 years to get out of high school!! He would go to school a semester and had to work for the rest of the year. Times were hard and kids worked. Grandad worked hard on the farm and Grandad Jack worked hard too. 
My dad, as a sports caster, had to keep up with all the statistics of all the players. He could do complicated math and announce at the same time. And he was the only person who could work the computer at work when he died. 

More about grandmas next. 

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Some Days Are Like That!!

Some days I wake up and I feel GREAT!!
I could clean all the kitchen. Scrub the icky sticky stuff off the TOP shelf..

Some days I just take it easy. I look at the dishes in the sink and think -- they can wait. 

Some days I fill the sink with water and let the ice cream bowls soak. 

And other days --

This is what I feel like. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

I'm gonna go eat worms!!

No body loves me. Know how I know??
Eatin' went on and I wasn't invited!!

They had ---- PIE!! 


I'm sad 

I think I better get happy coz I just heard the thunder!!  


Daylight's Burning!!

It's 7.17 in the a.m. and Sara is still asleep. 

And so is Jerry!! 

And that means it's cloudy today!!  

Yep!! It's supposed to rain again. 
I remember years when it rained like this in May!!  Jerry would come home from Libya or Tunisia or Nigeria or where ever and the grass would be more than ankle deep and I'd get that LOOK. 

Ladies you know which one I'm talking about!!

But his rule was -- wait three days to mow after it rained so the mower wouldn't get water and wet grass in it. 

So I would wait and sometimes in the '80s and '90s it rained every day for all of May!! 

Then it quit that so much and I could mow more often. 

I like to mow. No phone-wind in my hair-and it's not too hot. 

We've Had Visitors

This is what we see from the front window!! 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Clean Sheets!! Ummmm!!

There's nothing like clean sheets. They small so good. They're soft and cuddly. 

And Sarah likes her sheets clean too. 

At one time her house had a pink roof. The inside was teal and an UGLY pillow case. 

Since her house is in the living room I decided to make it match the walls. 

Did a good job too sheets for the bottom a pillow case for her pillow and a pretty brown mat to make it even more snugly. 

Now that it's been washed again she really goes in there a lot!!

Even furry people like their beds to be clean!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Spiders in the Bird Feeders!

It's been raining here---a lot!! And more is on the way. 

So we kept putting bird seed in the feeders outside the front windows because those two are more sheltered. 

There has been a plethora of birds!! And what falls on the ground the doves eat. 

Today we decided that the birds that feed in the back yard needed their feeders filled. 

Jerry opened a feeder and pulled out---
this!!! YUCK!!!

A thousand legged SPIDER!!!!

And THIS---

You guessed it. A BABY spider!!

Actually and I cannot lie!!

The seeds left in the feeders had SPROUTED!! So much rain and cloudy days. 

NO spiders or their babies!!

Feeders are full and birds are EVERYWHERE !!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

I wish

I wish I could-----go outside but it's raining. 

I wish my daddy would play with me, I wish I could have ice cream for breakfast. 

I wish--------

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day!!

We had a good time at church this morning. The kids sang. We had baby dedication. There was flowers to the oldest, most kids, and most kids and grandkids. Then the moms told stories. It made me think. 

I remember this child physchrist that said it was ok to yell at your kids. 

As long as you didn't get personal. 
I did not understand. How can you be not personal while correcting your kids. 

Here's how!!

Your kid is dumping his milk all over the floor. This is what you yell----THAT BEHAVIOR IS NOT ALLOWED IN THIS HOUSE!!!!!!!

The behavior is bad---not your child. 

My kids are special. They are independent and I love them to pieces. 

Love you two, Mom