Tuesday, September 30, 2014


I made some pumpkin scones on Saturday.  They were GOOD!! 

Obviously, as there are none left. I asked Jerry if he would eat  more and he said-only if you make them. 

That's a yes!!

Twelve of them disappeared disappeared overnight. I almost thought someone stole some. 

I have some more pumpkin from that can will probably make more tomorrow. I'm thinking - add pecans and chocolate chips.

More later,Linda

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

First she's po'd and then she changes her mind

Sarah is full of  surprises. Yesterday we were talking about taking a nap. Now Sarah was asleep in granddad's chair - or so we thought.  We've been busy around here and staying up late and all those things retired people do. And we - meaning me - were a little tired.

I said " I'm taking a nap".

Sarah's head came up from the chair seat.

And she stared at me.

The tone of voice - if she had one - was "What! I'm already sleeping and I'm NOT getting up from this warm place just to go to sleep somewhere else."

Back down went her head and she was asleep in the blink of a rats eye. Do rats blink?? probably!

Anyway, she was NOT getting up -- so we left her in the chair and she had her nap and we had ours.

More later, Linda

Monday, September 22, 2014

Today in our backyard

Today the kids came to visit. 

Of course you can't see them in this picture so I'll just have to tell you about them. 

We have Jack, he's in this picture. Even I can't see him the screen on the window blotted Jack out. 

There are, at times, Jack-he's usually by himself. He's the loner. 
Then we have Heckle and Jeckle. They are ALWAYS together. And then there is Cory. Cory likes the carport. 

Today it is Jack. Alone again and liking it!!

Then the squirrels came. 

Don't ask me where Brother Squirrel is. I can't see him either. But he was busy gathering food. And then when he got to the fence he didn't hesitate. He went right through one of those squares on the chain link fence!! And then straight up the Pecan tree. 

Needless to say we have fun at our house. 

Later, Linda

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Sometimes a person needs a lot of words to explain how they are feeling. 

And then 

Sometimes a picture tells a thousand words!!

More later, Linda

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Sarah has had IT!!

I've been getting papers ready for income tax. We had to get an extension. October is in 2 weeks give or take a day or two. 

I have to have it ready by Monday. 

So, of course, I have to spend a lot of time going through papers to make sure that I have all the 1099's I'm supposed to have. 

No time to do anything but cook, wash clothes, and gather papers. 

Sarah has been feeling left out and so has Jerry. 

Today I finished. Tomorrow I will organize. Fixed a good supper, washed some clothes. 

And now Sarah is relaxed. 

 So relaxed her tongue is sticking out. 

Later, Linda

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Sarah sleeps

Sarah LOVES to sleep on her back. I've never had a furry person who did that before. 

Most of the time her tongue sticks out a little, but sometimes it sticks out a lot. 
Tonight it doesn't stick out at all. 

I've never seen the feet like this. Her hands are just like they always are. 

And then she woke up!!

Opened her eyes!!

And gave me that disgusted look!!

More later, Linda

Thursday, September 4, 2014

It's hot, but not for long

Do you sweat?  Do you complain about it??  Does that salty water run down from your forehead into your eyes and make them burn and sting?

I envy you!!

Oh YES I do!!

I don't sweat -- well VERY little and that is dangerous. It makes it difficult for me to even walk to the garage sometimes. Now, if the wind is blowing like it is today then I can be out even if it's hotter.

I can't go out and barbeque anything.
I can't work in the flower beds -- so all of our flowers are bulb flowers.
I can't work in a garden. I love to can fresh vegetables for my family.

I like to go to the beach or lake and lay back and listen to the waves as they hit the shore. That can be done even in the winter

So next time you are playing baseball with your kids, or working in the garden - flower or veggie - or you are riding your motorcycle, think how blessed you are that you can do the things yu love to do.

Yes, I am mad. I want to do all those things but it is NOT good for me.

&%$#))**&@ frizzle frazzle!!

Maybe next year.

More later, Linda

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Long years ago when my dad was talking to me he told me how to remember what a bunch of geese is called .  It's a gaggle of geese. Why do I remember things like this.

Well, today we saw a BIG GAGGLE of GEESE going south..

I used to stand on our apartment front porch and watch as the geese would fly north summer and  south for the for the winter. But when I looked up in that sky I knew,KNEW what my dad would say when he told me what to call a bunch of geese.

You can always tell what kind of winter or summer we are going to have by the time of the year that they fly so far.

Today is September 2 --- that's EARLY for geese.

He said -- if the fly south early it means that we are gonna have a harsh winter. He actually used the word HARSH.

The year it snowed in Los Angeles the geese flew way south.

It made a believer out of me.

I had NEVER seen snow in LA before. We got out of school and everything.

Years later, when we lived in Great Yarmouth England, our friend Harold asked where I grew up and I mentioned that I had lived in LA until I was nine.

He said -- I was in LA once. It snowed!! We couldn't go on shore leave. He was in the Navy

I said -- I was there too, I said. They let us out of school!!

He wasn't too happy that I would or could be so much younger than he was.

Even men can be worried about their age. Harold proved that.

OOOPS!! I said SORRY and tried not to bring up anything else like that.

More later, Linda