Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Andrew and Holly

Andrew and Holly got married November 9th. 

Holly was NOT bridezilla!! You can't see it but her dress zipper stuck. And it was loose. It had caught on something!! No temper tantrum. Just Holly!! She is such a good match for Andrew.

Andrew and Lynn!! 

Andrew and Holly had almost a week in Vegas. And her grandma is giving them a trip to Italy in January. 

It was a fantastic wedding and it will be a lasting marriage. 

Love you two. 

More later,Linda

Monday, November 25, 2013

Sarah is --just Sarah

So Sarah is one of those furry people that have lots of personality. 
She sometimes takes advantage if Jerry. I mean -- really!! She knows she's taking advantage of her daddy!!

It all started when she wouldn't come down to eat. So Jerry went and got her!!  

She is not spoiled rotten!!!! Nooooo!!
She just confident!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

And another ONE

Another NEW product that will knock your sox off!!

this is our new facial cleansing brush. Battery powered! Comes with 2 brush heads and the batteries.

If you want one, order through my website -- https://www/ and when you order a cleanser at the same time you get the brush for only $40 (that's right--it's only $50) and your cleanser for 40% off.

The Directors in OKC are doing a Project Runway night every Thursday in October except for Thanksgiving and this is what they do for the guests!!

Pretty decorations and lots of information about products and business.

Isn't that a pretty display!!!

We had a great time last week when we went.

More later, Linda


Sunday, November 10, 2013

There IS another one!!

This morning when Jerry went out to the garage for something -- he came back into the house, and if he were a swearing man he would have been worse then a sailor!!


BIG mounds of dirt under the tree.

He was right!! And then I saw IT!!

Another one.


That's bad.


More later, Linda

Friday, November 8, 2013

It's Caddy Shack AGAIN!!

Jerry went out to the garage to sharpen the lawn mower blades.

It didn't take long for him to be back in the house -- with the most put out face he has EVER had.

He stood in the middle of the room and just looked at me. I knew that last night when I was in OKC I hadn't hit anything with the car so that was out.

What had caused that LOOK???

Then he told said -------

We've got another mole!!


Where is the Juicy Fruit and how much will we need.???

Stay Tuned For the REST of the Story!

More Later, Linda

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Remember the movie "Caddy Shack"??

We have Caddy Shack right here in Oklahoma!

My husband has declared WAR on the poor gophers that are making our yard a home.

He bursts into the house last Wednesday telling me that  --  around trying to get a good breath -- that the gophers are back AGAIN.

I went to see what he was talking about. Sure enough -- GOPHERS had taken up residence in our yard.

SARAH!!  that means NO poison!

Then I remembered what our friend Charleen said one day. " Get some Juicy Fruit gum and -- with gloves -- tear the stick of gum in small pieces and put it down the gopher hole -- then cover it back up.

Works every time.

More later, Linda