Saturday, June 30, 2012

Back Home

We had a wonderful, quiet time at Jerry's brothers house. Got to see his kids and their kids and sister and brother in law.

But next time (and I say this every time we go somewhere) I'm taking MY pillow. They have a beautiful bed with a red, white and blue quilted spread, red sheet and pillows I can't squnch up!!

Makes my neck and back tight and hurt. Not enough for pain pills but just enough to be annoying.

Knpw what I mean?

I figured it out last night around 2 am when I woke up with a stiff back. Take a little bigger suitcase and then I can put the pillows in and sleep --- sleep--- sleep!!!

Now, don't think I'm being mean or not appreciative of all the cooking Mary did. And I love the fresh picked tomatoes, squash, peppers, cantalope and watermelon. I appreciate it so much. 

But, you know that I am an OLD woman and need just a little home comfort when I sleep.

So I have decided to take that bigger suitcase to seminar this summer and use my own pillow at the new OMNI hotel in Dallas!!! Can you imagine what the maids will say. I can hear them now. No really they won't say anything. Those ladies work hard and keep everything so clean for us when we are in Dallas.

More about our trip to Texas and more about seminar in July. 

Later, Linda

Friday, June 29, 2012

Sleep--ahhhh, SLEEP

Have you ever HAD to take a nap. The eye lids just wouldn't stay up.

Well, today is one of those days.

Thermometer reads 99. I would swear it's 112.

Last year was SO hot. We had 120 a lot on our outside thermometer last year.

Please, PLEASE not this year.

I don't do heat. I can't breathe. My nose stops up.

My hands swell. And I don't sweat!!

Not good!

At all.

I think Sarah is a lot like me. Has to stay out of the heat.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

That other girl did it!!!

This is not what you think! It's not what I thought!! He's just looking for something that got lost in that semi shag carpet.  I will NOT go there. EVER!! It's what we have and will until we get energetic and strip the carpet out and refinish the harwood floors. Back to what he's looking for. I really don't know .  And then you know what Sarah says.....
"Daddy, I want you to know that  I will never tell.!!

What? Tell What? I asked

Nothing she says.

But right there is the evidence. He's got a BIG ugly bruise on his elbow.!! And,
he SAYS, he can't remember why and when it happened. Do I believe him?

Of COURSE I believe him. He's never lied to me in almost 60 years.  Why should he start now?

Well MOM since you are in the believeing mood. You know that whoopsy what happened in the other room. I gotta tell you the POOP Fairy left it.
More Later, Linda


I knew it was dry I'm Texas, but I had no idea it was this bad.

Even last year there was some green!

We are looking at the side of the road south of Ft Worth. Going south on I 35.

And it's not EVEN

Going to visit with Loyd and Mary. Jerry's brother and sister in law.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sarah says "Time for FOOD"

It looks like any other floor. With a fluffy thing on the wall. Well not really. This is a picture of Sarah's bowl. And the cabitnet for the microwave.
 Long years ago I heard about these two machines that I wanted so bad I could taste it. One was like an oven. But it didn't get hot!!! Glory BE!! An oven that doesn't get hot and cooks quicker.  I NEED one of those!! The first microwaves were really dangerous because of the microwaves. They weren't too stable and could actually cook your hand if you put it in the oven too soon after the bell would ding. A few years later we went to England and Jerry bought me one. It was safe by then. You really couldn't cook in them. Just heat and reheat and use up all those leftovers. What a way to cook.!!!

 Look over on the left of the picture. You can see a brown bowl. That's Sarah's water bowl. Now look right under the edge of the cabinet on the right. Can you see that little bit of a grey rim?  That's her food bowl!! She is PO'D!!! There is NO food in her FOOD bowl.
Here's a little closer picture. Wanna know something, I would never have allowed my kids get away with as much as Sarah does.

That other machine I wanted? It was a VHS recorder. Imagine---recording movies or heaven forbid SOAPS so you can see them whenever you wanted to.

Now we have the DVR and it record up to 4 programs at a single TIME and play different programs on different TV's.

THINGS are different!!! To say the very least.

 We used to sing in the choir at church. And of course practice was after Wednesday night service which meant the kids were in the sanctuary with all the other choir members kids. Well, Jerry could snap his fingers and Lynn and Dave would settle right down. Sarah is another kettle of fish or full of dog bones, or whatever. She does it HER way and that means she pushes her bowl under the cabinet when she wants some food. Especially if we are not as FAST as she thinks we should be.

Then she takes up her position on the carpet.

She has it staked out!!

 Waiting for that MAGIC moment when someone, anyone will put some food in that pretty shiny bowl.

 You notice the frozen stare.
The eyeballs GLUED into place.

 Never wavering (is that even a word?)!!


Just Waiting.
And the bowl is still empty because she is on a diet and has to loose 2 pounds before we take her back for her Heartworm shot. Which by the way is July 9th.

 Every six months and they let me know when it is time. I have the hardest time remembering  to give her the pills every month.

If I can't figure out how to post from my brother in laws house. This will be the last post until Monday because we are going to Jerry's brothers for his birthday and I don't think I will be around a computer.
 So more later, Linda

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

It's 7a.m. Time for HER nap

Isn't it strange that ALL of us are so very used to our routines. We get up. Take our meds. Put the coffee on, turn on the TV and the computer. Then we brush our teeth and finish off with other bathroom routine. THEN we turn on the iPhone and get ready for the day. That's what goes on everyday at our house.  What goes on at yours? It LOOKS like it must be 7 a.m. at our house. Or should I say SARAH's house. Because, after all, we only live in the house to provide for her. That's what she tells us every day. So 7 a.m. it is.
Do NOT disturb me!! You know it's my nap time.
 But Jerry and I are the same. We get into a rut, just like everyone else. Food on the table at 6.30. Monday is wash day! Tuesday I get the car and get to go where I want to go. That's when I deliver product or go to see new customers. Or just spend time at Walmart. I see every one I know at Walmart. Heaven HELP us!! That's the only time I socialize?? That is NOT good. I have to get out more often.So now I have made that decision
I know that things are going to get better real soon. I won't be so grumpy. I won't be so STUCK IN A RUT!! That's when a person gets OLD and I am NOT old. I just LOOK that way. Jerry and I we have a lot of fun. We like to ride his bike and me I like to talk to people. He likes the yard to look really nice and I do too, but I can't get out in the heat so all my flower beds are contained in pots. Makes for a very moveable flower bed.
One of the reasons I took the picture of the clocks is to prove that even SARAH can change. Yes, she can. Because being flexible is the best way to keep a youthful mind. So today I took these pictures to prove that we can all be flexible in our schedules. EVEN Sarah!!! Look and tell me that
it's true.It is 12.17 in the afternoon and Sarah is just now taking her 7a.m. nap!!! GOOD for all of us to change up that SCHEDULE and get out of that RUT !!! More Later, Linda   

Monday, June 25, 2012

It's too HOT--says Sarah

I always said that MY dog---OMG not dog but FURRY person would not EVER be put into a cage. So I got the best I could find---A BUNNY house. Everyone who sees it likes it. When we got Sarah she would NOT calm down at night and go to sleep. She kept woofing at the shadows and biting at the sheets. She kept doing all sorts of things at the end of the bed and keeping us awake. So we went looking and this is what we decided on. Same price as a cage, but it's not a cage. It's her bedroom. And now she
sleeps all over the house. She has a bed on our bed.She has her bed. She sleeps on Jerry's chair and in the other recliner. She sleeps on the blanket at the top of the stairs. (Jerry insisted that she NEEDED that blanket there.
And sometimes she sleeps on the floor. Her likes to sleep on her back. Today it's HOT and she is milking it BIG time. If you haven't figured it out yet let me just tell you straight out. SHE is in CHARGE of THIS house!!!
And this one too.
And even the floor!!!
 More Later, Linda

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Life with Sarah

Life with Sarah is SUCH a contridiction. She does NOT do it OUR way.  WE do it HER way. And probably always will. There's Jerry and Sarah taking their morning nap. She gets REALLY upset when the nap doesn't start right at 7am, but that is her problem. But that's not the way SHE sees it.

She's awake, I think.  She is trying not to let on that she is, but she can't fool me. Look at those ears. STRAIGHT UP!! Watching westerns on the western channel!!

But then she really likes the Western channel. She likes to watch the horses and the cows. And, by the way we like the Western channel too, because the movies are clean. Some of these newer movies are way to filled with porno and bad language for me. I have HEARD the "f" word too many times to be able to call it entertainment!! Thank you very much!!

Now I know she's awake because she is looking straight at me. I have DISTURBED her. Well, sometimes that happens. Do you see the lamp without the shade? That belonged to Jerry's mother and when we got it there was no shade. I have got to go to Hobby Lobby and find one. I don't think Walmart has things like that. Anyway not one that will go will our early redneck decor.

Sarah has grown up, or at least she has decided to do things differently. She has found her babies and every day we see new ones. All of the babies used to be in the first bed she had which is WAY too small for her now.  She was supposed to be 4 pounds and is now 13 or 14 pounds. Like I was saying she is just beginning to play with her babies. There's one under her. That's the pink one. I don't remember if its a giraffe or an elephant.
Now we know!! There SHE is a pretty PINK elephant. Gracious she was sitting on her baby and there is
no telling what happened to it while she was sitting here!! Poor baby!!

And here is another that she has just taken up with it that squirrel that we bought for her to play with

year ago. Was it a YEAR ago? There's been a lot happen here in the last year. More than I want to talk about right now. Wanna know a secret. We really have a lot of fun with Sarah even though lots of times we call her SARAHCIDAL because she is so spased out.
Well, that's all for today. Have a beautiful day and God bless you. More Later, Linda

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Life with Sarah

Sarah just needs a little hugging. She is so dramatic. If you could just HEAR the screeches coming from her . Do you know what a hawk sounds like.Well that's JUST what Sarah sounds like. LOUD PIERCING SHORT SOUNDS. Makes me want to throw something
This is what she did last night. Some of these toys I haven't seen since Christmas! Like the  little guy with the Santa Hat on. She NEVER plays with him.  Last night out he came and she threw him around a bit and then left him. Poor Santa thingie. Left to himself again!!  
This what she did last night. I have't EVEN seen that red Santa since Christmas
What would we do without Sarah? I really don't know. She keeps us talking to each other, to her and for her. Oh YES, Sarah speaks!! Well, We just take a good look at her face and make up what she's trying to say. Now be honest, YOU do the same too. Don't you? Of COURSE you do. All of us who are animal crazy do that. So much fun.

She had just begun to take things out of the toy box right here. Look at her. OMG she 's ready to screech. I need to just get her on a video and post that because you will not believe how she sounds.

Can't you see that mischief in her right there and in the picture below. When we went to get her a cage, we couldn't get her a cage. I mean how could we put our baby in a cage. So the BUNNY HOUSE was the same price and that's what she got. She LOVES it. Notice that she has a pillow, which she uses, and on the other end she has 2 babies. A horny toad and a squirrell.

What What would we do without her? I DON'T know and I really pray that we don't find out for at least 14 more years.
When we went to get her a CAGE. REALLY a CAGE!! Not for Sarah. I mean REALLY! No we got the Bunny House because it was the same price and because I couldn't put her in a cage. A house is OK, But NOT a cage.
Is she spoilled? NOT !!! Well, maybe a little!!

More Later, Linda

Friday, June 22, 2012


Sarah came to live with us in March of 2010.  I know it was 2010 because of all that life had put into our path.  Man what TWO years can bring.

I know that we are better for them because Jerry and I talk a lot more.

I know, I know. You are thinking "These people have been married for 50+ years. What's this about not talking."

Well, for 24 of those 50+ years he worked on an offshore rig somewhere in the world. Seventeen countries to  be exact. The kids and I went with him to England. He said for ONLY two years.

We stayed 6.

We went to Tunisia North Africa for just a little while.

Almost 5 years.

But the rest of the time he worked international, he was stuck on an offshore rig. In the middle of the Gulf of Suez, Gulf of Mexico, The North Sea, the Mediterranean and other places I can't remember right now.

Lots of good memories--but no way to talk to each other. No communication at all. He would call me from London and tell me what flight to meet. There wasn't even access to a phone for the longest. Then came the SATELLITE phones. Three minutes minimum and $10 a minute. Still didn't call much--too expensive and not reliable.

Then in 1994 we got a computer with FAX capability. WOO HOO!!! I could fax all I wanted. Just as long as I kept away from certain subjects. Because the radio guy got all the faxes and then he passed them on to the pusher and the other top guys. And THEN Jerry MIGHT get it. So you can understand why I stayed to really neutral subjects.

Then came cell phones. 

Our first cell was a honking big---HUGE ---bag phone. I have to tell you this!!! One day our other yorkie, Georgie--short for Georgina Jumping Flash--was in the van while I just ran into the Walmart to pick up a few things. It was December and rainy so she was alright.

I got back to the van and when I opened the door I hear the voice from the phone saying,"The number you have dialed is not a working number. Hang up and try again."

At least she didn't connect to someone in CHINA.

Now, TODAY, we hold computers in the palm of our hands.

TODAY we talk a lot. About EVERYTHING. Even those things I am not comfortable with. But that's life and that's the way it should be.

But I got off the subject of Sarah.  Well, THAT'S for tomorrow.

More Later, Linda

Thunder Up!!! Game 5

It's do or die night. We are down 3.

THIS is NOT a good situation to be in. Those guys really played GOOD on Tuesday. But someone has to loose. Just REALLY didn't want it to be us.

Tonight Donna will be here again. So I won't get to see much of the game.


Learned a LOT about the new products. And had some girlfriend time. We had a good night. The new lash serum is wonderful. Unlike the other one of the market that begins with L, ours has no side affects and its only a quarter of the price. How's that for a bargain.?

Now on to the GAME.

OH NO we are 10 behind at half time!! Well we've been behind more than that and came out of it.

Sarah has decided to screech. Sometimes she sounds like a screech owl! She doesn't LIKE what's going on in the ball game.

The guys are 11 BEHIND. They better get going !!

ONLY 9 behind now.

Good grief!! Another foul.

ANOTHER foul. Will they never learn.

Behind 14 points and another foul.

We went to bed and saw the OTHER GUYS getting the trophy last night.

Good going guys!! You did good.

My dad told me once what Yogi Berra used to say. "It's better to loose a lot than by only one point. At least you know that you were doing all you could." Now, that doesn't sound like Yogi,"He's the guy who used to say he paid for something with dollars which is the same as cash!!" But he did have some really good and profound things to say.


More later, Linda


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Father's Day

Hurray for ALL you father's out there. It seems to me that father has become a four letter word. You know those words that most people don't want to talk about ---- like school loans, speed dating, the one that got away--be it fish or human, frizzle-frazzle, or this or that.

Back to Dads. Dave got to spend most of the weekend with his boys.



They are not boys. After all one will be 27 and the other is 25 on June 15th. Keith's kids are spread out.  One lives in Edmond and the other lives in Washington D.C. They called Keith and had a good talk with him.

I realize that they are grown. I just CALL then kids. I haven't yet figured out what to call the grandkids after they are grown. Grandups? Or that oxymoron --- adult children. No way, Jose!! That's like calling a big shrimp a jumbo shrimp. So I guess it will have to be just the guys, even though Nonie is a girl.

This is Keith, our Lynn's husband. They have two children Nonie and Andrew. They ride Harley's too. She is the "B" on Back blogger.

And this is Dave's friend Lynn. So we have Keith's Lynn and Dave's Lynn. Just like we had a Homer across the street and still have a Homer to the West. And a Wilma to the West and a Wilma to the East. And we have a North Mary and a South Mary. What a fun way to keep up with people.
Except Dave's Lynn is just a friend and not a spouse to Dave.

Jerry and his ice cream. At Christmas he always makes 9 flavors of ice cream and one new one. Just to put some spark into the mix.
Keith and Lynn love to ride. So does Dave. So do we but Jerry's shoulder won't let him right now. He will take off and ride for hours. It helps to take the stress away. Now Sarah, she just gets a chew stick.

And here are the Lynn's by Lynn with the durag's red bike. Dave's is the blue one on her left. The red at the back is the very old but very reliable tractor. That's another tale.

We had a really good, relaxed time on Father's Day. But back to the four letter words. I know a few more.


Thank God for that last four letter word.

More Later, Linda

Thunder Up!! Game 4

We are in OKC tonight. Went to STAR night and are on way home.

Some of the women had on thunder colors. Too cute.

Got on the road and NO traffic.  Three cars on the road from the hotel to the Lawton Duncan turn off.

This is NOT normal for the I-44 road from Newcastle to Chickasha.

Could not believe this. It looked like the Apocolypse had started and we had been left behind. Not a good feeling!!

 So I texted Lynn and asked her to please, PLEASE text the scores.

END OF FIRST QUARTER. Thunder 33 Heat 19. Keep going guys.

It's HALF TIME thunder 49 heat 46.


End of third quarter Heat 79 thunder 74.

When we got in the door Sarah needed her chew stick stress reliever. BAD.

82 to 79 Heat. Sarah is STILL chewing on her stick.

Six minutes to go. Heat 92-90

LeBron James has a hurt knee. He went back into game with a bum

T. 94 H. 92

I don't know about the rest of the game, but this part has been

James is really hurting.

3 points down. 17 seconds left.

Westbrooke fouled Chalmers. H 103 to
96. 13 seconds left.

Heat won their third straight game.

Back to OKC? for game 5?

NOT it will be in Miami too tomorrow night. Donna will be here showing us the new products. Lynn will be in Arkansas and I will get the last 45 minutes of the game.
Se la Vie!!

More Later, Linda

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I wonder what road runner tastes like

Three --- count them --- motorcycles came to our house today. Father's day. And Jerry's arms hurt too bad to ride.

Dave on his bike
Lynn on her bike
and Keith and Lynn on their bike.
Jerry had a good day with all those bikes to look at and work on and all the things that goes with bikers and bikes.

We went to eat after church. Jerry's favorite place. Golden Corral. He always takes an ice cream cone when we leave.

Lynn and Dave are with their dad for the day. It was a good , GOOD day.  We all needed this day.
Lynn and Keith had been there on Saturday with Keith's dad and mom. And his brother. And cute Bridgett brother's wife.

Double dose of GC. They sure are brave and love their dad's!!!

By now you are wondering about the title of this piece.

Remember the pictures of the bikes at the beginning?

As Keith came into the back yard a WILD turkey began running from the house to the East. Over to Earl and Wilma's house.

It was a SHE because she had no beard.

As she was running for her life----she probably thought spring turkey shoot was still on. Not.

Then she took off and FLEW into the trees. HIGH into the trees.

A FLASH came into my mind. I was standing on our porch. Years ago. Back in --- well it could have been 1989 to 1992.

You can't expect an old lady to remember EVERYTHING can you? I do remember seeing what I thought was a road runner out by the road.

I rather LARGE road runner.
But it didn't look like this --- it looked like that turkey. Man I am so busted. I have been telling people I say a GIANT road runner and it was a turkey.

I say " I am sorry to all of you that got the story of the GIANT roadrunner. I wasn't really lying for as you can see they look a lot a like when you just get a short blurred glance of them."

More Later, Linda

Monday, June 18, 2012

Thunder UP!!!!!

Third game of the NBA finals. We are only 4 points behind.


Now they are playing ball. Thunder defense is really working.

Sarah just had to get a chew stick. I think it is a stress relief.

Only 4 behind. That's so much better than the last game.

I know why the games in ancient Rome were so well attended. They didn't want to get hurt anymore than we do. People are just people.

Ancient or not. Then or now.

We love. We laugh. We don't want to get hurt.

Only SIX behind. Last game after first quarter we were fifteen behind.

Seven minutes left in 2nd quarter and we are only 1 behind.

Go Thunder!!!


Not tied anymore. Thunder up 5.

One minute in third quarter and Thunder up by 1.

We Lost 91 to 96.  That's alright. They did a FANTASTIC job.


As you can see from the parties on TV
Everyone is happy and ready for the next game


More Later, Linda

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Princess and the PEA

This is our little Princess.  Taking her morning nap on the couch. Snuggling next to her cushion with the flowers on it. Just so cute. Isn't she?

She has been disturbed as you can see by the look on her face.  It says,"Do NOT disturb ME again!"

 I just don't understand WHY you won't leave me alone.
Remember when you had to get up last night
Now I will tell you why we won't leave you alone. Remember when you had to get up last night. I let you out and soon you barked to be let in.? 


Well I want to know why the POOP Fairy left a present in the middle of my new carpet!!!

If you don't know it yet. This is just a Fairy tail.

A Fairy tail that has me completely unbalanced. And one that only your FURRY people will really understand.

Just read it to them. And then look for the other signs that the POOP fairy has been to see you at some time or other.